Ola | Oll-ah | Hello/Hi |
Adeus | Ah-day-oos | Good Bye! |
Voce fala Ingles / Portugues | Voh-say fah-lah In-gulls / Poor-chew-ges | Do you speak English / Portuguese? |
Meu nome e… | May-oo nom-ay eh | My name is… |
Voce pode me ajudar? | Voh-say poh-day may aj-you-dah | Can you help me? |
Estou a procura de… | Ess-toh ah proh-ker-ah day | I’m looking for… |
Sim / Nao | Seem / Now | Yes / No |
Obrigado | Oh-brig-ah-doh | Mr / Mrs / Miss |
Hoje / Agora | Hoh-jey / Ah-gore-ah | Today / Now |
Amanha / Ontem | Ah-man-ah / On-tem | Tomorrow / Yesterday |
Este / Que / Aqui / La | Ess-tey / Kay / Ah-key / Lah | This / That / Here / There |
Throughout the nation over 180 Amerindian languages are spoken including Nheengatu, Baniwa and Tucano. German and Talian, a Venetian dialect of Italian, is spoken in many communities throughout the country and at least one second language is mandatory in schools during the course of both Primary and Secondary years, typically these include English, Spanish and Esperanto.