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Education, Students & Private Schooling

All Chinese citizens are required by law to attend school for at least nine years with government provided primary institutions for six-to-eleven-year-olds and up as well as secondary institutions for twelve-to-eighteen-year-olds, although this can vary a little by province. 

The region has also seen impressive results through its education system, since the 1950’s the country has successfully dropped its illiteracy rates in the young and middle-ages population from 80% down to 5%, also, today over 99% of all children in the country attend primary school and over 94% of all teenagers attend secondary school. It’s known that Asian academics are incredibly dedicated to their work and are known worldwide for their discipline and determination. It is due to these factors that Chinese students from Shanghai achieved the best results in mathematics, science and reading to date. 

Additionally, investment in the education sector has been increased drastically within recent years and by 2020 the Ministry of Education aims to drop both illiteracy and semi-illiteracy rates below 3% and increase average schooling duration from 8 years to 11.