Posts Categorized: Southeast Asia

Date Posted: December 21, 2014

A recent study from the Institute of Education shows that the culture in Asia plays a big factor in determining children’s success in education.   Die hard educationalist believe that while technology is further developing education, the core teacher is the best resource. While this is true, a recent study shows that students in East… Read more »

Date Posted: November 03, 2014

After a full year of discussions, powerhouse academic giants EtonHouse and Singapore Chinese High School have announced they plan to open a new academy in 2016. The groups have now openly declared their joint venture and their desire to submit a formal application to the Council for Private Education (CPE), which regulates private schools in… Read more »

Date Posted: October 22, 2014

Once a year, towards the end of October or the beginning of November, something amazing happens all across India, Malaysia and Singapore. A unification of Hindu and Sikh followers gather in various locations and begin to celebrate Diwali, the festival of lights.   The festival dates back thousands of years, originally set as a festival… Read more »

Date Posted: September 09, 2014

It’s always interesting looking at league tables and in my respects, this year isn’t too different from previous years with the top ten all being United Kingdom and United States schools.   California Institute of Technology – 94.9 Points Harvard University – 93.9 Points University of Oxford – 93.9 Points Stanford University – 93.8 Points… Read more »

Date Posted: July 28, 2014

As Ramadan, the month of fasting and ritual cleansing by Muslims, ends worldwide on the 27th of July, Eid, the end of the fast, is widely celebrated. Eid al-Fitr is translated loosely as the Festival of Breaking of the Fast and consists of several prayers spoken, which differ based on sect, and then multiple feasts…. Read more »

Date Posted: April 25, 2014

You get in and open the door first thing in the morning as heavy footsteps of the class thump slowly and forcibly in as you stand at the front and ten, twenty, fifty faces look back at you. The morning register is announced and the faces slump back into their seats, chewing on pens and… Read more »

Date Posted: April 11, 2014

Starting between the 13th and the 15th of April, Songkran, the Thai Festival of Cleansing commences. The name translates to ‘Astrological Passage’ and is believed to have been adapted from the Sankranti Hindu festival, although today it is treated very differently and sees its biggest celebrations in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in the north, for at… Read more »

Date Posted: March 14, 2014

So commonly within the walls of Academia, we are told that it is ‘critical’ to know this, or ‘vital’ to know that. Certainly, there are many important knowledge bases, mental mind sets and complicated techniques useful in every industry obtainable from any academic institution worth its weight. But how much of what we learn is… Read more »

Date Posted: March 12, 2014

The east and northern regions of the world are often criticized, for lack of a better term, for a non-civilized view of economic and educative principles. But in recent years the world has seen a sharp turn in many of these countries and it’s been shown that these outdated, and frankly, bigoted views are reminiscent… Read more »

Date Posted: March 12, 2014

It’s easy enough to want a job and finding one is not too difficult either, but how does one get a job? Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose and is achieved only when one has had that hearty handshake and heard those magic words: “Congratulations, you have the job.” But what happens when… Read more »