Why it’s essential for educators to get enough sleep?

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Cute young man sleeping on bed


Are getting sufficient amount of sleep? Sleep is fundamental for your physical and mental health to process with ease as a human. If you are sleep deprived, it can lead to many risks that most teachers don’t even know about. Keep reading this article to adjust your sleeping pattern and not be that teacher that drinks 3 cups of coffee to survive their day at school yet still is yawning.

Sacrificing your sleep to not be late for work?

There’s a lot of risks for not having enough sleep, you should at least be taking minimum 7-9 hours of sleep to function normally and maintain a good health. This affects your focus at work, you have less energy and are more tired which slows down your effort into tasks. You’re demotivated, unable to teach students to the best of your ability and that results in low score academically. This can so lead to anxiety, depression and stress for teachers which decreases your capability to cope at work and often certain teachers end up quitting their job.

 Teachers get about 4-6 hours of sleep on regular – is that sufficient?

It’s suggested for adults to get 8 hours of sleep on regular, but it does vary on the person as some only require 6 or 10 hours of sleep normally. We usually wake to an alarm clock, which isn’t natural – that affects our sleeping schedule (yet again I don’t think we’ll ever wake up if we don’t use an alarm clock).

To help you get a sufficient amount of sleep, you need to find out how much sleep you require and regulate your sleeping pattern. If you need to be awake by 6.30 am then you should be asleep by 10:30 pm to get at least 8 hours of sleep and should get ready for bedtime around 9:30 pm to relax and turn off media devices.

How to relieve stress?

Stress is the common issue for teachers that impact on their sleep and level of input at work. Teachers often eat a lot of medication, an unhealthy diet and very inactive which affects their overall health. To keep your mind at ease; stay stress-free you should have a healthy balanced diet, relieving your stress by staying active, exercising and doing things that make you happy; relax. The most effective remedy is taking a de-stressing bath, talking with your friends, take a nice, therapeutic break from all worries. Making sleep your priority is essential to get back on track and minimise your stress levels.

How to avoid overthinking before sleep?

There’s no point overthinking about tomorrow or having work thoughts as that’ll be dealt with when you are in the situation, right now it’s time to make your bed and getting ready to sleep. Why stress so much about something that may not even come? Causing yourself unnecessary stress will make you an unhappy person, drain you out. You should eliminate all the negatives from your life to live a peaceful, positive life. Having calm music played in the background, utilise relaxing and having a clear mind will help you sleep better and you’ll be more energised in the morning.