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Bringing Children & Pets

Bringing children into Mexico requires a few preparation steps in order to be brought:

  • If a single parent is bringing a child into the country, a letter of permission from the other parent, if applicable, must be provided, including allowing the parent to make medical decisions for the child on their behalf.
  • A tourist card is also needed for children older than two years, as is frequently needed for adults.
To bring your pet into Mexico, you will be required to display the following to the Office of the Inspector for Agricultural Health at your port of entry:
  • The name, age and breed of your pet.
  • A statement from your vet, along with certification, claiming that the animal is healthy, signed and dated by your vet no more than five days prior to entry into Mexico.
  • A copy of a rabies vaccination certificate administered within the last twelve months, pets less than three months old are exempt from this.
  • A statement and/or certification that the pet has undergone a parasitic prevention treatment.
It’s additionally recommended that your pets are treated against ticks, fleas and heartworms frequently, as these are rampant within the country. Additionally, having your animal ID tagged and micro chipped are incredibly useful in emergencies.